One of my goals in 2020 is to help many Nigerian youths escape the systematic poverty in the land that makes it difficult for a regular individual to earn enough to be rich without crime, connections or favors. To this end, I purchased a hundred plots of land with the aim of establishing the biggest poultry farm in Africa!
Alongside my Japanese partners, we intend to produce a minimum of 2 million eggs a day at full blast, with a million chickens laying daily at this farm. The market opportunity is so huge hence selling off these eggs to households and manufacturing companies is a piece of cake, and we plan to generate billions every month!
This is hence an invitation to join this commonwealth agenda and increase drastically your revenue sources! A hundred thousand slots at 10k per slot have been provided for investment partnerships. And selling off the 100k slots will generate a billion naira to establish and run the world-class poultry successfully. You too can buy one or more at 10k each and your returns shall be based on the number of slots you buy. This farm will be worth billions within 18 months of full operation so you can imagine what could come to you in returns.
If you find this exciting and you’re interested in “buying the future”, simply send your name and email address to 0802 569 6670 and we shall send you more details on how it works.
Dear friend, It’s time to build more wealth through an open, trusted and reliable means.
Food will always sell and an agric business well managed can never fail.
Thanks for your time.